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How to create a strong and secure password?


In today's digital age, security is paramount. Given that most people use multiple platforms for communication, business transactions, and document storage, **it's essential to secure this information with a reliable password.**

By using a password manager and a strong and secure password generator, you can obtain a password that is difficult to hack. But why is it important to choose a good password? What are the factors to consider for an effective password?


The importance of having a strong password


As a reminder, a password is an essential means of authentication on websites and mobile applications. It not only proves the identity of the user but also validates access to their account. When it comes to passwords, there are always weak and strong ones.

A weak password is a code that is easy to crack, while a strong password uses an encryption system that is difficult to break. Consequently, **it is preferable to create a strong password** if you intend to secure an online account. By investing your time in finding a strong password, you will prevent all forms of cyberattacks.


Furthermore, creating a strong and secure password will help you protect all your confidential information, such as your personal, professional, financial, or medical data. Once you have a strong password, no one will be able to access this various information. Whether it's an online bank account, social networks, email, or transactions, it's essential to authenticate them with a solid and unique password. Here are some examples of strong and secure passwords that you can use as inspiration:

  • M0t-d3-pAssE! ;
  • Ifbaj2320 ;
  • D&A&Ch3§ ;
  • 20T$ùesLàP020.

What are the elements to consider in a strong and secure password?


In a strong and secure password, you must consider the following elements:

  • combinations of multiple characters;
  • the length of the password;
  • the diversification of passwords;
  • the confidentiality of the password.

When creating a strong password, **the use of combinations of multiple characters is crucial**. By mixing different categories of characters, such as uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, you will have the opportunity to make the password more complex.

Adding numbers and special characters adds a layer of diversity, while the inclusion of letters offers a wide variety of possibilities. For example, feel free to use "b0nJour!" instead of "bonjour". These combinations of characters make your password less predictable, helping to prevent hacker attacks.

In a strong and secure password, **the length of the password** is also a factor not to be neglected. For information, your password should be neither too long nor too short. However, the longer the password, the more difficult it is to guess or crack. The only drawback of a long password is that it is not easy to remember. At a minimum, you can opt for 8 characters, but it is possible to use up to 20 characters. Remember, length alone is not enough to generate a strong password as there are other criteria such as the combination of characters and the diversification of passwords.


Regarding the diversification of passwords, this is a technique that consists of creating different passwords for each account.

You should know that using the same password for multiple platforms increases the risk of your personal information being stolen.

Thanks to this method, you will have the chance to mitigate problems in the event of a security incident. If your Facebook account is compromised, the other accounts will be protected. To better store and manage your codes, it is best to implement a password manager. With this tool, you will have a much easier time.


When creating a strong password, it is essential to consider the confidentiality of the password. Indeed, you should not share it with others as it is confidential information. On the Internet, scams can take many forms. If a site asks you to disclose your password, you should be immediately suspicious. In principle, **legitimate services never ask for this kind of information**. The same goes for solicitations by phone, SMS, email, or other insecure means of communication. By keeping your code confidential, you can strengthen the protection of your accounts.


The best solutions for finding a strong and secure password


To create a strong and secure password, there are several possible solutions. Some require just your imagination while others rely on online tools.


Using a password generator like


Currently, you have access to **strong password generation devices** on specialized platforms. Often integrated into a password manager, this password generator is a practical solution for those who do not have time to search for a custom code. In general, it is capable of creating a random sequence or combination of characters.

Difficult to guess, passwords from these generators are not based on predictable personal data. Given that the passwords obtained are complex, it is recommended to save them in a secure location.

Password managers


The difference between a generator and a password manager is undoubtedly their functionality. The former is only used to generate a strong password, while the latter offers a multitude of options, such as designing, storing, and managing passwords. With this tool, you no longer have to worry about memorizing the codes for your different accounts. With the most advanced solutions, you can even benefit from autofill when you are on a login page.


The word substitution technique


As the name suggests, the word substitution technique consists of **replacing words with identical symbols**. The most common example is "password" which you can change to "p@$$0rD". Thanks to this method, your password will be more complex. By using your creativity, you can easily create an unpredictable password.


Using secret phrases


By definition, a secret phrase is a mixture of words that have a meaning. In principle, you should be the only one to know the meaning. If you take the phrase "the sun shines during the day", for example, you can transform it into "LsoBpLj", "LsObrPLJ", "Sun.During.Day", "lesoleil-jour-brille", etc. To increase the level of password security, feel free to add numbers. In other words, you need to find a random phrase and try to code it. To remember your secret phrase, simply link it to a story that you can't forget.


Regularly updating passwords


Another effective solution to ensure the security of your password is to **regularly modify your code**. Over time, the password can be compromised due to potential attacks. With an update every 2 to 3 months, you can **limit the risks of hacking**. If you are not good at creating passwords, **you can rely on applications or software for managing and generating strong passwords like**


How to memorize your password well?


Of course, it is essential to memorize your password because without this code, you can no longer open your accounts. The best way to remember your password is to write it down somewhere, preferably on a secure device or medium such as a keypad USB key. Therefore, you should avoid leaving your password in a notepad, paper, Word file, etc. Initially, you can use a mnemonic strategy, a practice that aims to create a connection that simplifies the memorization of your password. To do this, you must choose a quote or a phrase that is familiar to you. By using the first letters of the words, you will be able to obtain your password.


Another way to memorize your password is to rely on creative visualization. This latter is presented as the imagination of a scene or representations that allow you to remember the access code. In case you have a short memory, the most suitable solution is to use a password manager. On the web, there are many platforms that offer this type of tool. If necessary, you can even take advantage of additional features, such as synchronization with all devices, cloud storage, recovery, sharing credentials, or security auditing.


What not to do to weaken the security of your password


When it comes to creating a highly secure password, it is also important to be aware of the different mistakes to avoid. Unfortunately, most Internet users make common mistakes that make their online accounts vulnerable. Among the mistakes not to make are:

  • reusing a password on multiple platforms;
  • using too much personal information;
  • choosing a password with more than twenty characters;
  • storing the password in an unencrypted document;
  • forgetting to use complex characters.

When you use the same password for different accounts, hackers can easily gain access to all of those accounts. Therefore, it is preferable to choose unique passwords for each site. In this way, you significantly strengthen the security of all your data.


You should know that using too much personal information is also one of the mistakes to avoid at all costs. Indeed, hackers can guess your name, the name of your pet, your address, or your date of birth via your social networks. The solution is therefore not to put information that can be found online in your password. As you already know, it is best to favor random combinations of letters, numbers, symbols, and other special characters as our generator offers you!


For some people, using a long password with more than 20 characters may seem to be an effective solution in terms of strengthening a password. However, this is a mistake to avoid as you may forget this access code. If you do not have a password manager, it is advisable to choose a shorter password but with many different characters. Moreover, it should not be forgotten that some platforms do not accept passwords of less than 15 characters or more than 20 characters.


Easy to crack, passwords stored in an unsecured document is another mistake that many people make. To be clear, you should never save your password in a text file, on notepads or in mobile applications. Ideally, you should keep your password in a digital tool such as a password manager or software capable of detecting data breaches.


It is undeniable that **using complex characters strengthens the security of your password**. In addition to numbers and letters, you can therefore use special symbols such as &, !, £, @, %, #, etc. To make password creation even stronger, consider using both uppercase and lowercase letters.


Some tips to strengthen the security of your password


A security measure used to optimize account protection, two-factor authentication or 2FA is a technology to be preferred. Its principle is simple, it requires a second proof of identity when you log in to a website. Once this option is activated, hackers will have difficulty accessing your accounts. Most of the time, it works by sending a verification code to your smartphone. Consequently, only one person can open the online account since the code they will receive will only be displayed on their phone


One of the most frequent threats in terms of security is phishing, a cyberattack that relies on the transmission of malicious emails. If you receive a suspicious email, it is best to leave it among the unread messages. As soon as you click on the attachment or link, your password and your account may be hacked. To remedy this, you should never provide your contacts to strangers. _When you browse the Internet, it is recommended to enter secure and recognized sites with a secure authentication certificate._


One last valuable tip, don't hesitate to train yourself in cybersecurity. To improve the security of your password, learn how hacking techniques work, the types of threats, identity management, protection tools, etc. With **the different online resources**, you could discover all kinds of videos, tutorials, and articles that explain these various concepts. If you have the time, you can even participate in training or awareness programs on this subject. After acquiring the necessary knowledge, you will have the opportunity to better secure your accounts and use more effective passwords, especially **thanks to the creation of strong passwords online.**


In short, creating a strong and secure password requires taking into account a number of elements such as length, combination, confidentiality, or diversification of characters. To have a good password, several solutions are available to you, such as **using a password generator like**, a password manager, or a word substitution method or even a secret phrase. Thanks to these techniques and tools, you will be sure that no hacker can access your personal information.